Saturday, April 16, 2011


I have been saving up for a long time for a stand mixer. My mother in Law has a great Kitchenaid that she loves, so I've always kind of had my eye on one.

Then I discovered
Crystal uses the Kitchenaid on her recipes and I became even more infatuated with the idea of having a kitchenaid.

Barlow and I have been trying to pay off our student loans so we have been trying to do
"Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover".

This means we don't just go out and buy things anymore we save up for big purchases. It means that we live on a budget. And it means that I get $50 each month for spending money.

I started saving up in January. The mixer I have my sites set on was a $300 mixer and that's the Costco price. So I knew it would take me a long time to earn it. I kept dreaming about my kitchenaid and all the fun stuff I would make with it. I saved my Birthday money, I put my left over lunch money towards it as well. It seemed I would never have enough.

Then one day I had $280, I was so close I put some of more lunch money towards it. And... Finally I had $300. But then I remembered sales tax that would take anther $20-30. Bummer! Wait we are going to Oregon.

We picked it up while attending Dave Ramsey's total Money makeover event in Portland, we saved on sales tax.

Then on the way home I called my mom and she mentioned costco had a $50 coupon on sale.
I was so upset that I hadn't had to coupon. We waited until Thursday and then I we took it back to our Costco and asked if they would apply the coupon and they DID!!

So not only did I save the sales tax but I also saved $50. Amazing! I'm totally sticking with this budgeting thing it's working!

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